Ina Forrest

Name: Ina Forrestina-forrest
Sport: Wheelchair Curling
Hometown: Fort St. John, BC

Favorite Sport Memory:
The first year I curled our team placed 2nd at Nationals which gave our team the opportunity to attend an International bonspiel in London ON. At the bonspiel I was named the All-Star Lead. It was the event that inspired me to believe I had what it takes to be an elite athlete in Wheelchair Curling.

Favorite Quote: Life is a journey so enjoy your trip

CAN Fund Testimonial:
The hardest part of being an elite athlete for me is trying to make my sport fit with my life as a mother, wife and business person. Elite sports require many hours of practice and time away from home. My husband also works away from home but we try as much as possible to juggle work and sport commitments so one of us is home with our three children. The financial support from the Canadian Athletes Now Fund helps us balance the juggling act and have the time to be with our children. Without my family’s support I could not continue to compete. Thanks CAN Fund for making it possible for this mother to stay in sport. I truly appreciate your assistance.

Best Results:
2010 Paralymic Gold Medalist
2009 World Champions

Fun Facts:

  • I love horses. I have had a horse for most of my life. After my accident it was one of my greatest disappointments that I would not be able to ride again. But it is possible to still ride and I do.
  • After sustaining a repetitive sport injury last year, my game suffered and I lost some of my confidence. To help regain it, I started putting memories of good games played and special items in a small drawstring bag. I call it my Mojo Bag and I carry it with me to events. The most recent additions to the bag were two quarters. After being told I was on the Paralympic team, I went to a vending machine in the hotel and the change I received from the machine was an Olympic curling quarter and a Paralympic curling quarter. They were confirmation it was meant to be.