Name: Iulian Ciobanu
Multiple CAN Fund Recipient
Hometown: Montréal, QC
Sport: Boccia (Bc4 athlete)
Best Result: 4th in the world ranking – pairs game
On The National Team Since (Year): 2015
Biggest lesson you have learned to get to where you are today?
Be patient, hard work pays off.
When was the moment you knew you wanted to represent Canada?
When I decided to become a Canadian citizen and when I realized that I live in the greatest,culturally colorful country in the world.
What are your words to live by or your motto?
No hesitation – no regrets.
If you weren’t a Canadian athlete you would be?
A teacher or psychologist.
How does being a CAN Fund recipient make a difference for you?
CAN Fund is making an impact in my preparation for my next competitions and helping me to get the best equipment.
Having the best equipment means I’ll have a good investment in my preparation. Best results = good preparation.
Instagram: @iulian_ciobanu