James Brown

Name: Jim Brownjames-brown-action-head
Sport: Cycling-BMX
Hometown: Airdrie, AB
Nickname: “Downtown”

Favorite Sports Memory: Coming up to the finish line in 2010 when I knew I was going to win the Canadian Championships in front of my home crowd in Airdrie, AB.

How you got involved in your sport: My Dad heard about BMX through a coworker and my sister and I down to the local track in Calgary and I have been hooked ever since.

The moment you knew you wanted to represent Canada: Watching Donovan Bailey win the 100m Gold Medal.

Favorite Quote: “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail” – Wayne Gretzky

CAN Fund Testimonial: The CAN Fund is a great help in reaching my Olympic dreams, taking some of the financial burden off so I can focus on my training full-time.

Best Result: 7th at the 2007 World Championships

Share one valuable tool that you use on a daily basis that helps you to be the best athlete you can be: Stretching is my valuable tool, It helps recover your muscles and is a good time to reflect on the training you have done that day.

Who is one person in your life that has impacted your career and what was it that they taught you? My Dad has impacted my career the most he has always encouraged me to push harder and go faster. He has taught me to never give up.  If you give up you will always wonder what if, but if you give it all you have, you will have nothing to regret.

Have you read any articles or books or watched any videos or movies recently that really inspired you? A great book that really inspires me is Mind Gym by Mack Casstevens. Mind Gym has some really good quotes from great athletes.

10. Fun Facts:  A superstition I have is when I get a new piece of equipment to avoid crashing I have to pre scratch it. So say I get a new helmet I have to drop it on the ground to scratch it.
