Name: Kate Wright
CAN Fund #150 Women Recipient
Nickname: Kate
Hometown: Kingston, ON
Sport: Field Hockey
Position: Forward
Jersey: 3
On The National Team Since (Year): 2007
How many hours do you workout/train/compete on average each day and how many days per week?
2-4 hours/day and 6 times/week
Who is one person who has significantly impacted your life/journey?
Ed Kenney
Tell us how they made a difference and share 3 words that describe who that person is to you.
Mr. Kenney was the athletic director for Regiopolis-Notre Dame, my high school in Kingston, Ontario. I found field hockey at RND in grade nine and fell in love with the sport that encompassed all the other things I enjoyed playing – ice hockey, soccer, and running. I excelled quite quickly in field hockey, representing my province later that year and for many years to come before being scouted by the Canadian National Team just 3 years later. In Grade 12, I was asked to move to Vancouver to be part of the centralized team which meant finishing high school by correspondence and living with a billet family out West. Ed, who has supported my career as a field hockey player from the moment I picked up a stick, encouraged me to follow my dreams of playing for Canada and helped me navigate grade 12, so I could graduate on time. A very special moment was having him in the stands in Toronto to watch me represent Canada at the Pan American Games in 2015.
What is the best part about representing Canada?
Competing on the world stage with a group of women who give 100% of themselves to the same goal you are trying to achieve.
What three items do you take with you on every road trip?
Coffee beans (to share with a teammate’s aero press), my pillow and my book
Do you have any pre-competition superstitions or routines?
I like to have a coffee 2/3 hours before game time, dance and sing in the locker room and put my left sock on before my right.
What are your words to live by or your motto?
Never Give Up.
Facebook Fan Page: The Canadian Wolf Pack
Instagram: @kategillis3
Twitter: @kategillis3