Marco Dispaltro

Name: Marco DispaltroMarco-Dispaltro
Sport: Boccia (BC4 class)
Hometown: St-Jérôme, QC
Nickname: The Dragon Slayer

Favorite Sports Memory: Winning gold for Canada at the 2002 Wheelchair Rugby World Championships as High Performance Coordinator. Gagné la médaille d’or pour le Canada au championnat du monde 2002 de rugby en fauteuil roulant en tant que coordonnateur des hautes performances

How you got involved in your sport: I was first approached in 2004 at the urging of National Team Boccia Coach. I finally decided to try boccia it in 2010 and fell in love.
On m’a approché en 2004 par l’entremise de l’instructeur de l’équipe nationale de Boccia mais je n’ai décidé de commencer qu’en 2010 et je suis tombé en amour

The moment you knew you wanted to represent Canada: The first time I threw a boccia ball. La première fois que j’ai lancé une balle de boccia.

Favorite Quote: “We are not born champions, we become champions.” “On ne naît pas champion, on le devient.”

CAN Fund Testimonial: Setting goals is one thing but to achieve them without sources like CAN Fund is daunting if not impossible. Se donner des buts c’est bien beau mais sans le support de source comme CAN fund la tâche s’avère ardue sinon impossible.

Best Result:
Silver medal at the 2011 World Cup
Médaille d’argent à la coupe du monde 2011

Share one valuable tool that you use on a daily basis that helps you to be the best athlete you can be. Just knowing that you belong at the top level. Il faut savoir qu l’on appartient au niveau des meilleurs.

Who is one person in your life that has impacted your career and what was it that they taught you? Stephan Dubuc former Team Canada wheelchair rugby assistant coach who passed away in 2000 who taught me to push my leadership skills. Stephan Dubuc ancien assistant entraîneur de l’équipe nationale de rugby en fauteuil roulant décédé en 2000 qui m’a poussé à exercer mon leadership.

Have you read any articles or books or watched any videos or movies recently that really inspired you? My doubles partner Josh Vander Vies:   Mon partenaire de double Josh Vander Vies:

Fun Facts: I’m a veritable encyclopedia of useless pro sports facts. Je suis un veritable encyclopédie d’information inutile.