Sarah Boudens

Name: Sarah BoudensSarah-Boudens-Action
Sport: Canoe/Kayak Whitewater Slalom
Hometown: Pembroke, ON
Nickname: Sazzle Dazzle

Favorite Sports Memory: Paddling through the finish at the 2008 Olympics

How you got involved in your sport: My Dad taught me to paddle at 9

The moment you knew you wanted to represent Canada: When I bought my first composite slalom kayak at 14. It was very used but sparkly purple and I felt like a rock star in it.

Favorite Quote:
“Paddle for fun, race to win” Dr.Don

CAN Fund Testimonial: “Competing in sport is a stressful job and one that often comes without a paycheck. CAN Fund helps to take away the stress of competing for funding so that I can focus on what really matters…performing to my potential!”

Best Result: 19th at the 2008 Olympics

Share one valuable tool that you use on a daily basis that helps you to be the best athlete you can be: I set daily goals for myself to accomplish. Even small goals like getting out of bed when my alarm goes off without hitting the snooze. Small or large, each goal is important!

Who is one person in your life that has impacted your career and what was it that they taught you? Sheryl Boyle, Architect and ‘92 and ’96 Olympian. Sheryl taught by example. I learned from her the importance of hard work. She managed a successful athletic career alongside her studies in architecture. It was Sheryl who gave me the confidence to know that I can be a successful athlete and engineer.

Have you read any articles or books or watched any videos or movies recently that really inspired you? What was it and if it is an article or video do you have a You Tube link we can post to share with others? Team Hoyt…incredible.
