Stefan Daniel

Name: Stefan DanielStefan 1
CAN Fund recipient since 2015/2016
Hometown: Calgary
Sport: Paratriathlon
Best Result:  2015, 2017, 2018 World Paratriathlon Champion

How many hours do you workout/train/compete on average each day and how many days per week?
20 hours per week, 7 days a week

How did you get involved in your sport?
Watching my dad compete in Ironman Arizona when I was 8. I knew then that triathlon was a sport I wanted to try one day. I played soccer at the time, but I joined a local swim club shortly after, and began to run in local road races.

Biggest lesson you have learned to get to where you are today?
To not let circumstance dictate what you wish to achieve in life.

What is your pre-game/pre-competition meal?
Bagel with peanut butter and jam, eggs, a banana, and coffee. If it is a late race, I will typically have chicken and white rice for lunch.

What is the biggest hurdle you have overcome to get to where you are today?
Having a disability has been a hurdle, but with the influence of my brother, I have been able to overcome it. He has cerebral palsy, and never used it as an excuse. We swam together and he was the hardest worker in the club and always had a smile on his face. That attitude really helped me when I started out in sport.

Instagram: @stefandaniel97

Stefan 2